In the three weeks preceding 9/11/2001 the world turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the murder of innocent Jewish civilians in Israel...The terrorists went about their business after the Sbbaro suicide Bombing, after the suicide bombing in Haifa and then the massacre in a Tel Aviv ( Delphinium) club that snuffed out the lives of 21 teens...Colin Powell, US Secretary of State issued a sanctimonious statement addressed to Israel "I hope that both sides will act with restraint," "They both have to do everything they can to restrain the violence, restrain the provocation and the counter-response to the provocation." Michael Kelly and Charles Krauthammer each wrote a strongly worded column about these outrageous massacres, but that was all. Where was the moral conscience of the world in August, 2001? Were those massacres not the "Kristallnacht" of our time? What if American policy makers, what if Columbia University, Brandeis,UCLA, all of American Academia, what if the United Nations and "the world" would have raised a hew and a cry, a moral voice, issued an ultimatum, made it clear that massacres of innocent civilians would not be tolerated regardless of the perpetrators' political objectives? Might it not have given pause or even stopped the 9/11 murderers in their tracks?
Today America is looking backwards, and reevaluating America's response to 9/11 while I am still wondering if anyone has bothered to draw a line between those murderous events in Israel In August, 2001 and the tragedy in America in September of 2001.
Never forget!